


Sacagawea (Sakakawea, Sacajawea) (1787 - 20 December 1812) was a Native American woman who accompanied Meriwether Lewis and the Corps of discovery of William Clark. Most of the stories in his life obtained from the records that are incomplete and therefore spiked with many legends and rumors.

She was born of the Shoshone tribe in the area near what is now the city of Three Forks, Montana, and engaged at an early age with a man much older. However, in 1800, he was kidnapped by a group of Hidatsa, and taken to their village near Washburn, North Dakota. Consequently, he grew cultures affiliated with this tribe, its name taken from the Hidatsa phrase for "Bird Woman."

Humboldt Squid


Humboldt squid live at depths of 660 to 2,300 meters in the eastern Pacific, from Tierra del Fuego north to California. They take their own names Humboldt, from where they lived off the coast of South America. Recently, the giant squid has appeared in the north, precisely in Sitka, in because of ecological problems which may underlie their migration north. Some oceanographers suggest that the warming of the oceans to make their native habitat is threatened, while others speculate that the number of squid predators was increased due to overfishing,

Why the Moon can be colored yellow?

"Yellow moon follow us! If we walk, he also runs, if we ran, he also ran." Is it true that the moon is following us all night long yellow from start to finish? Actually the moon is not always yellow, depending on the time and conditions when we see it, the color of the moon varies slightly. When the new moon appears and when the moon began to sink toward the south at dawn, he colored red.

Because at those times the distance that must be refracted sunlight from the atmosphere to the earth's surface very much, so that short wavelength light and blue will collide with the dust, clouds, and water vapor in the atmosphere so that light will be reflected back while wave lengths of light reddish color is refracted so that we will see more months of red and yellow.
On a clear day the moon is in the sky is blue. This occurs when the air cleaner so that the light that passes through Earth's atmosphere will not be reflected. However, due to air pollution, the sky grew dirty. That's why today we hardly see the moon is blue again. Instead it will be easy for us to see the yellow moon.

So we more often see the moon is yellow because of the increasingly severe air pollution causes the blue light of the moon colliding with objects in the air pollution so that the light is reflected and only the yellow light is refracted until it can be seen on earth.

4 Foods that can prevent Breast Cancer

Virtually, the most frightening disease for women is breast cancer. The risk of losing the breast, even death, have occurred when they hear the disease.

In Indonesia, according to data from Indonesia Cancer Foundation, breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women, and more than 50 percent of sufferers are found in high stage.

Before this deadly disease attacks the body, experts have found a super food that can prevent breast cancer, as quoted from the pages of the Times Of India:

1. Inadequate intake of vegetables
The best way to prevent this disease is to eat a variety of vegetables every day. Nutrients contained vegetables will easily absorbed in the body if processed in the right way. How to cultivate vegetables that can prevent and fight cancer one of them cooked in olive oil.